Bring Back My Bonnie by Zoe Bacurin
Bring Back My Bonnie by Zoe Bacurin
Meera is dead and growing accustomed to her new existence as a ghost. She's pining after her living husband, having regular conversations with her thirteen year old daughter who can apparently speak to the dead, and learning the ropes of the afterlife from a teenager who died in the seventies. While Meera explores a strange new world occupied by a long dead magistrate, a ghost ship, and a particularly violent poltergeist; her family struggles to pick up the pieces of a life which Meera is no longer a part of. Welcome to Zoe Bacurin's sophomore effort; a ghost story for the Christmas season. If you enjoyed Mobs & Desserts, you're bound to delight and despair in all the humor and heartbreak that permeates the pages of this book.